
Q1:  My question is simple.  There is no requirement by my diocese that we must wear masks at Mass.  Can a parish priest require it? –Bill

Q2:  We just received an email from our parish communications director stating that we will be required to wear face coverings to Mass….  Is this something that the parish has the authority to mandate?  Are they permitted to deny my family (with 5 small children, of whom 3 would be “required” to also wear masks, over the age of 2) entry to Mass if we do not wear masks? –Jessica

­­­­Q3:  Our bishop, who has had all parishes completely shut down since March, has recently issued “guidelines” regarding the opening of churches for Masses again. In the guidelines, it is written that the congregation is to wear masks. Several of our parishioners have let us know that they cannot wear masks because of their health; one woman has asthma attacks and cannot breathe with a mask on, another gets severely claustrophobic and cannot wear one for an extended period of time, such as the length of a Mass. The bishop’s published guidelines make no mention of provisions for those with medical reasons for not wearing a mask.

My pastor has claimed that Canon Law gives the bishop the authority to deny these Catholics’ right to attend Mass under the current circumstances and that he himself will enforce it.  He also spoke about our responsibility to protect those around us and the bishop’s need to comply with the requirements of civil authority.  Where I am, government officials do not require wearing masks.  Other Catholic churches in [nearby dioceses] do not require masks…. –Angela Continue reading

Posted in Holy Mass, Parish Life, Rights of the Faithful | Tagged canon law, Catholic, masks, Mass, parish, 无忧加速器 | Comments Off on Can We be Required to Wear Masks at Mass?


Q:  A recent discussion with a Protestant friend led me to do some research, and when I visited your website, I saw the many questions about the withholding of Sacraments from the faithful during COVID-19.  I was absolutely shocked to learn that it was in fact illegal for the bishops to decree this, and thus for the priests to go along with it.  It’s still rocking my world.

My question is smaller, and due to a recent announcement that my bishop has canceled all parish fall festivals, which are usually the main fundraisers for the year.  I wondered if he had the power to do that, or of that was also an overstepping of his authority—telling parishes whether/how/when they can fundraise.  Clearly this is much less important than the withholding of the Sacraments (thankfully, this has ceased in my diocese, but I ache for those who are still prohibited), but I wondered nonetheless. –Anastasia Continue reading

Posted in Clergy Issues, Parish Life | Tagged bishop, canon law, Catholic, fundraiser, parish, virus | Comments Off on Can the Bishop Cancel Our Annual Parish Fundraiser, Because of the Virus?


Q: The Archbishop of New York City announced at the beginning of the virus crisis that funeral Masses will NOT be conducted during this time for the victims of COVID19 or for the recently deceased….  How is this possible?  I can understand if authorities do not want to release the bodies of those who have passed away due to fear of spreading the virus, but to not hold a Mass at all does not make any sense.

Does a body have to be present, in order to celebrate a funeral Mass?  Also, couldn’t this bishop have conducted a private Mass (literally behind closed doors) and livestreamed the Mass, so friends and family of the recently deceased could have virtually attended the Mass?

After giving this some thought I then wondered what happens in a mass-casualty situation?  Are funeral Masses not provided to the victims of mass casualties such as earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.?  Can you shed some light on this?  My friends and I are deeply troubled by these developments and we are at a loss for words for the restrictions that have been imposed upon the Church during a time when prayer and faith is needed the most.  This is a very difficult time for humanity and yet even more excruciatingly painful for Catholics as our bishops are literally abandoning the flock. –Josie Continue reading

Posted in Holy Mass, Parish Life, Rights of the Faithful | Tagged canon law, Catholic, funeral, funeral Mass, Purgatory | Comments Off【软件无忧官方下载】软件无忧 1.5-ZOL软件下载:2021-10-30 · 软件无忧1.记录计算机上其它软件的路径,用于集中管理和执行。2. 文件的属性设置 ... 雷神加速器 线刷宝 最新更新 新增软件 1UNetbootin 6.81 2Wine 5.0 3360软件管家 12.0.0 4一键清除系统垃圾 …


Q1:  Wondering if you would comment on this article?  The author urged Catholics in America not to give a cent to our parishes so long as they are closed because of coronavirus.  He also says more generally that we shouldn’t donate to any Catholic charity that is operated by the bishops, because they have betrayed the faithful by abandoning us.
He links to one of your posts, but he does not suggest that this was your idea….  I thought we Catholics were obliged to support the Church financially if we are able…. –Russell

Q2:  I looked through your archive but did not see anything on the precepts of the Church.  How many are there nowadays?  When I was growing up there were six.  无忧加速器 lists five….  Then they throw in at the end of 2043 the obligation to contribute to the material support of the Church; though it is not numbered in the CCC, it was always one of the traditional precepts.  Some lists also include the obligation to be married in accordance with the laws of the Church.  That was always one of the traditional six precepts.  Other lists I found on the web include the obligation to participate in the evangelization of peoples.  Can you help sort this out? –Father S. Continue reading

Posted in Other Canonical Questions, Parish Life, 无忧加速器怎么样 | Tagged canon law, Catholic, contribute, donation, financial support, precept, precepts of the Church | Comments Off on Contributing Financially to the Support of the Parish: A Precept of the Church


无忧加速器怎么样We had a baby earlier this week, and a few days later the diocese announced that all baptisms are suspended indefinitely except in danger of death, due to coronavirus.  I want her baptized as soon as possible but who knows how long this will continue.  What’s a parent to do? –Emily

Q2 (April 2023): I am delivering my seventh baby in two weeks.  I have been informed that priests are being encouraged to only do baptisms in an emergency.  I have been encouraged to delay my baby’s baptism.  Otherwise I can schedule a baptism but only ten people can be there due to coronavirus. How do I welcome a baby into the church family without even all his siblings there?  I read canon law and it states lay people can perform baptisms out of necessity. What is defined as necessity? –Samantha

Q3 (June 2023):  Someone on twitter said that we cannot baptize a dying person without their consent.  Are we allowed to baptize someone who appears to be dying without their consent? Like do a conditional one?
Back a few months ago, I instructed my sister how to baptize in case of emergency.  The instructions were for her niece as her children were sick with the flu and they feared that it could have been coronavirus.  My sister, a Catholic, baptized her 9-year-old granddaughter two weeks ago.  My niece was never raised in the Catholic faith, although [she was] baptized as an infant.  She believes that children should make their own decisions when they’re adults.  Should my sister contact her pastor?  Do I need to tell her that she shouldn’t baptize the other two children?  One is 17 and the other is one year old. –Theresa Continue reading

Posted in Baptism, Rights of the Faithful, Sacraments | Tagged 无忧加速器怎么样, baptize, canon law, Catholic, licit, valid | Comments Off on What Happens When the Clergy Refuse to Baptize, Because of the Virus?